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Sustainability Report

Sustainability and ESG criteria are central to the business model of Grupo Saona, driven by a common purpose: to strengthen and articulate the way in which our company adds value to society and collaborates with the achievement of good results today, but always with an eye on the future.

We connect with what really matters

In this space you can discover our DNA through our Sustainability Report. Through our reports you can take a journey through our identity as a company, our achievements and the results of our social impact projects related to our business.

These projects are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and reflect our firm philosophy of seeking to make a significant impact on society.

We invite you to discover how we are working to build a more sustainable future.

Love for the Mediterranean
Love for the Mediterranean
Love for the Mediterranean
Love for the Mediterranean
Love for the Mediterranean

We are committed to management within the framework of our philosophy:

"Love and care for the Mediterranean culture that encourages us to enjoy the gastronomy, the people and to respect the environment of which we are a part."


United Nations Pact

Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Currently, there are more than 13,000 member organizations in more than 160 countries and 69 local networks. In Spain, more than 1,720 organizations have joined the Spanish Global Compact Network, making it the Local Network with the largest number of member organizations and, therefore, the most important in the world.

At Grupo Saona we are 100% committed to the realization of our ESG project and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are very proud to be one of the first Spanish restaurant groups to join the Spanish network of the United Nations Compact as a Signatory member.