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The benefits of a good breakfast


Everyone knows the saying "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar". And the advice that this proverb leaves us is strictly true.

After the night, our body has been without food for about 6 to 10 hours, so first thing in the morning the blood glucose levels are very low.

Our body needs to replenish its sugar levels to cope with everyday life. Therefore, a good breakfast is one of the bases of a good diet and a balanced diet, since it replenishes the glucose levels, source of energy of our organism.

Besides the fact that a good breakfast means energy for our brain but also for our muscles and its importance is such that it reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

However, the rush, the working hours and the early morning hustle and bustle mean that most people consider that they have had breakfast after just a cup of coffee or a juice or a couple of biscuits. However, that little 'snack' is far from being the recommended breakfast in a recommended diet.

Also, what happens if a person decides to skip breakfast?

Many studies show that some of the consequences of suppressing this important first meal of the day are decay, alterations in your mood, your energy levels and your memory, lack of concentration and bad mood, due to the deficit of glucose - our main energy fuel - produced by fasting. Thus, by not receiving any food, the lack of glucose forces our body to burn other energy reserves, which causes alterations in the normal functioning of the organism.

The benefits of breakfast

Studies also show the great health benefits of eating a balanced breakfast:

  • It regulates the consumption of fat. If breakfast includes: toast, bread, breakfast cereals, plain biscuits, etc., daily fat consumption is lower. The consumption of these foods contributes to increase the caloric contributions made from carbohydrates, replacing others with a higher fat content (industrial bakery, pastry, etc.).
  • Increases fiber intake. If breakfast cereals or whole grain breads are included, the chances of meeting fiber needs are greater.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals. Breakfast contributes significantly to the daily supply of vitamins and minerals. Studies carried out on children in different countries have shown significantly lower contributions for certain minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc) and vitamins (thiamine and pyridoxine) in those who did not eat breakfast compared to those who did.
  • Contributes to weight control. People who eat breakfast keep their weight within healthy limits more than those who skip breakfast. Spreading the calories out over the day over 4 or 5 meals helps keep any of them from being overloaded. This also helps to avoid snacking between meals (snacks, sweets, pastries and other sweets, soft drinks, etc.), which is very important when it comes to weight control.
  • Improves physical and intellectual performance. People who skip breakfast set in motion a series of mechanisms in the body (decrease in the hormone insulin and increase in cortisol and catecholamines...) to maintain blood sugar (level of sugar in the blood) at acceptable values. These hormonal changes alter or condition behavior and negatively influence physical and intellectual performance.

This is what a balanced breakfast looks like

A good breakfast should provide between 20 and 25% of the calories that need to be ingested throughout the day. To be balanced, it should at least include dairy products (milk, yoghurt, curd, cottage cheese...), fruit and cereals (bread, toast, cereals, biscuits...). And apart from this, meat derivatives and sweets can also be included in moderate quantities.

  • Cereals provide carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which is a great source of energy to face the day. In addition, wholemeal cereals also provide fibre.
  • Dairy products are high in protein. They provide our body with quality protein, calcium and vitamins.
  • Fruits or fruit juice. They provide the body with carbohydrates, water, vitamins and minerals. The fruit itself and the juice with pulp also provide fiber.
  • Other products. You can include a stimulant drink, such as coffee or tea; meat products, such as cooked or cured ham, low-fat cold cuts (chicken or turkey), sausages or eggs.

In addition, it is one of the most important foods for children, so that they get the calcium they need for their bone development and growth, as well as optimal school performance. Therefore, the key to facing the day with energy and a good attitude is to eat a complete and balanced breakfast. Get into the habit of eating breakfast every morning because, after all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.